Ok, so high-sec has very poor rewards, and this is an issue for everyone not just Alphas.
Low-sec has slightly better asteroid ores and exploration sites, but borderline not enough to justify the HUGE increase in risk from PVP. Faction Warfare PVP can be grinded for the Loyalty Points (LP coins) which you can use to buy items and sell on the market, allowing for some income.
Null-sec can be very profitable if you're part of an alliance, because they defend their space and thus you can do exploration or mining or whatever in relative safety, and take advantage of the rich resources.
Wormhole space, once you learn the game and how wormholes work, can be profitable because you typically do ninja-work, sneak in, grab a bunch of stuff, and run away before anyone catches you. And if they do, you're in a cheap Venture or other cheap frigate. You'll have to train some of the Alpha skills to 3 - 4 to maximize your chances of success.
Otherwise, to give you an idea of the options, there are several methods for making ISK in EVE:
0. For newbies: Career Missions give you approx 10 million in ships and cash for a few hours of work. Repeatable if you go to the
other starting school locations and talk to the agents there. Sisters of EVE story arc gives you approx 15 million in a few hours, repeatable every 3 months.
1. Slow, steady grind: mining, running agent missions, exploration sites, Planet Management, some manufacturing. This is a very predictable income that depends on the sec. rating of the system, the lower the better. This allows you to get some ISK by just spending some time in-game.
2. %-return on investment: trading speculation. Once you have a few millions, you can daytrade in Jita, buying stuff when the price is down and selling it when the price goes up. You kinda need to know what's what, so that you can predict from the various announcements about game and item changes, what the prices will do. The more ISK you have, the more you can make with this method.
3. Do you feel lucky? methods:
scamming, corp asset theft, suicide ganking transports. Can be very profitable if you get lucky or are good at tricking people, but it's not reliable from month to month or day to day.
4. Spend RL money. Very simple, 20 euro gets you 1 billion ISK via a PLEX purchase online and selling in Jita in-game. Not what you're looking for, but recommended for most newbies to take their mind off worrying about ISK and let them relax and learn the game.
5. Who needs ISK? If you join one of the large newbie-oriented 0.0 groups, they'll probably give you free frigates for life and possibly tens, hundreds of millions of ISK; the alliances have organized SRP (ship replacement programs) and other newbie programs that they can pay from taxes, veteran contributions, or other 0.0 income sources.
In any case, training your skills to 3-4 means you'll fly your ships better, which means you increase the profits because you mine more or are able to survive in dangerous space a bit better, or you have lower taxes and more orders available due to trading skills. So just be patient and don't give up; EVE is a long term game.